Month: January 2018

Faux Fancy Pear & Brie Puffs

Faux Fancy Pear & Brie Puffs

Fancy is fun! Getting dolled up and sparkly is a welcomed rarity in the midst of my eat-cookie-butter-by-the-spoonful-in-my-stretchy-pants-and-Ugg-boots lifestyle. But fancy can also be draining. Glitz and glam don’t come free, y’all! Well, it’s the same with food. That’s why sneaky tricks that make gourmet 

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

With the New Year comes a renewal of self. It’s a time of reflection, when we get to look back on the year (or years) past and make changes and commitments to become a better version of ourselves in the year ahead. 2017 was an